Friday, May 6, 2011

This week Yellow Beauty had 2 baby boys (the all brown one on the bottom is real beauty) and Friendly green had Triplet boys (one is pictured on the top). Also V27 has 1 girl and Klondike has 1 girl! It has been a fruitful week on the goat farm (May 2011).
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Monday, April 25, 2011

Photo Shoot

My mom and I did a photo shoot with one of our 2 week old little goats! Just sooooo cute!

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Last week of February

We have some yearlings having some babies! I know we have about 5 more babies during this last week of Feb. 2011. More details coming soon!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Two sneaky boys

The goats are not allowed on my front porch. I want that area to remain poop free.

But these little guys found a secret path onto the porch--and now they got caught.

2 girls

I know a fellow farmer who has a really nice baby sheep that she is wanting to trade for a doeling. I don't normally sell or trade my doelings, but my little Annastyn really wants a nice sheep. I am posting this video so she can see the two little goats that could be available for a swap. I wormed them tonight and I also gave them a dose of "goat drench" so they got a dose of vitamins.

Frosty had 2 little girls :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Knee High and 2 new babies

This goat, Knee High, had 2 super cute babies on Sunday Jan 30th.

She walks on her knees--a condition that pre-existed her coming to our farm. But she can walk, and she was a GREAT mother to the last 2 goat babies that she had :)

Annastyn's sheep and Juliett's new baby boy

Two Sheep 4 Christmas


Also in the video is Juliett (a yearling and a new mom) and her first baby boy.
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Lucky Gal's big family




This is a picture of Lucky Gal looking at my camera. Her two new little babies are huddled out of the rain. There is one w/ a black head (boy) and one w/ a brown head (girl).

Then there is a picture of Lucky Gal's first baby, Lilly Pad Nov 09,and her first baby--an all black little boy (with white ears!)
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Babies Babies Babies




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New Babies

Well we knew that only 1/2 the herd had babies in November 2010 but what we didn't know is when the other 1/2 would start having babies. Well now we know.

We have had 9 babies during the first week of February 2011. I am going to post some pictures soon and I have advertised some of the boys on Craigs list. Here's what has happened!

Bottle baby boys are $35 unless otherwise stated.

Bluebell (full blood boer) had a boy and a girl on Sunday Jan 30th. My guess is the dad is a Nubian--because their legs are soooo long. The vet gave them an injection of vitamins to jump start their lives!

Knee High (commercial boer) had 2 stocky babies on Sun Jan 30th. 1 boy and 1 girl. Boy is friendly than girl. Colors of baby are boer markings--maybe a little more chocolate than traditional. The mamma walks on her knees (it was a condition before we bought her--but so far her babies are super strong and resistant.

Lucky Gal has had her second set of twins on our farm. 1 boy/1 girl. They are stocky. The boy has a black head/white body, and a strong suck. Mamma is only interested in his sister. We have made sure that he has had forced nursings and so he has had lots of collustrum.

Lucky Gal's first set of twins had a little girl named Lilly Pad--and this week she had her first baby. All black w/ white ears--super strong and super cute. I want her to have a good first mothering experience--so he's not for sale currently.

I had another first time mamma, Juliett, and she had an all brown little boy. He nurses a lot, but he doesn't seem to be frolicy--like he should be--so maybe her milk supply is low. She is being a really good mamma though. It is possible that I could sell him--just because I'm unsure if he'll make it on her milk alone.

Today, Feb 5, Friendly Yellow had 1 little boy at 9am. I assisted w/ the delivery and Campbell and Annastyn watched. He seems strong and healthy--and ready to take on life. He needs a few days of collustrum but he would be available for sale. Since he is a little bigger (solo baby from a big mamma--my price for him would be $50.