Saturday, November 13, 2010

animals grazing in the Spring 2010



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Animals grazing on the "hay hill"




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YingYang the buckling at 3 months

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Sea Bisquit

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Carrot Top



The brown headed buckling was born 11-7-2010. He is for sale as a bottle baby. His mother is a commercial boer, and his dad is a full-blood boer.

One is a picture of him alone, another is a picture with his little sister.
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Livestock protection





Bow Wow ($150)

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Our pretty rooster

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Our Bucks

Sea Bisquit (the Full Blood Boer)

Hot Shot (the pure bred Nubian)

Fall 2010 babies

We have had about 20 babies born during September 2010. Here are some pictures of some of the babies when we had them in our front yard.


We have a picture of Sea Bisquit--who is a papered 100% full blood boer goat.

We have a picture of our best spotted Nubian, Klondike, and her first little girl--she has previously produced 5 boys--so we are excited about this little girl.

Next to Klondike is Hugs baby born early in 2010.

We also have a picture of Friendly green on our front porch

Welcome to our Goat Blog

We bought our first goat, a Nubian named Frosty, from a farmer in Mt. Dora in September 2008. In November 2008 we bought a few full-blood boers from a farm in Brooksville. In November 2008 we bought a few Nubians from a farm in Jacksonville. In Feb. 2009 we bought 20 commercial boer goats from Texas. That was the start! We wanted to share our stories with the blogging world!